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2 posts tagged with "Kubernetes"

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AWS EKS Addon Policies Cheat Sheet

· 2 min read
Koby Bass
Koby-One Kenoby

To provide basic functionality over your Kubernetes cluster, we often need to configure Addons (usually in the form of Helm charts).

Understanding which permissions are required for the Helm charts is cruicial. Too many permissions, and you open yourself up to a breach if the service account is compromised. Too little, and you will run into runtime issues.

Documentation around required permissions for each addon are often limited, and we have to scour google to find the best permissions.

AWS EKS Blueprints

EKS Blueprints is an official repository managed by AWS, to provision EKS clusters using AWS CDK.

The repository contains a lib/addon directory. Each addon defines required permissions for it to function. The policies are nested inside some functions, but they're simple enough to understand and copy.

LB Controller Policy

For example -

We can further refine the search of all available policies by using GitHub search filters. The following filter will find all files containing polic in the lib/addons folder:

repo:aws-quickstart/cdk-eks-blueprints path:/^lib\/addons\// path:*polic*.ts

How to use


I do not recommend using the blueprints directly for serious environments

  • The code is overly complex, and a lot of it is auto-generated.
  • Addons should be managed using GitOps in production clusters, not AWS CDK.

If you're unsure about permissions for a specific addon, you can look at the EKS blueprints to help you figure them out. This is not a catch-all solution, but it may help you define fine grained permissions for your addons.

You can take these permissions, and copy them to your Terraform / Pulumi / AWS CDK code, and reference the blueprints.

  • Addon is a helm chart that adds functionality to your cluster ()
  • EKS is the managed Kubernetes solution on AWS
  • IAM is the security engine for creating users, roles and policies.

Kubernetes Multi-AZ Block Storage on AWS

· 5 min read
Koby Bass
Koby-One Kenoby

This blog post is about high availbility block storage on AWS EKS.

The provided block storage, EBS, does not replicate across regions. This has major implications during AZ downtime. A We explore how Rook, an CNCF distibuted storage solution, can be used to provide a better infrastrcutre. We look at the pros and cons of managing a Rook cluster and some use-cases for it.

Why do I need distributed block storage?

A common problem people run into is deploying a high-availbity service on top of AWS EKS.

A few years ago, we deployed a Prometheus instance on AWS. Everything ran smoothly, until the availability zone went down.

Suddenly, the pod was unschedulable. We found out the hard way that EBS storage is restricted to the AZ it was created in.

If you want to build a highly available system, your storage needs to be highly available as well.


While AWS EFS supports Multi-AZ storage, many services require block storage.

Using the wrong storage may lead to data corruption.

Rook - Distributed Storage

Rook allows us to create a highly available, distributed storage on EKS.

Simply put, Rook:

  • Spins up a Ceph cluster on multiple AZs with provisioned capacity
  • Lets you define a Storage Class
  • PVCs (persistent volume claims) can then use this storage class for multi AZ

Rook has been a CNCF graduate since 2020, so it's extremely stable.



Install Rook using a Helm Chart managed in GitOp.

The video demonstrates basic Rook setup, but I'd recommend using Helm with CRDs to facilitate GitOps.

There's a great video by Red Hat Developer on how to set up Rook on AWS.

I'd recommend installing Rook using the Rook Ceph helm chart to provision the Ceph cluster to better integrate with your GitOps environment.


  • Rook comes with a signicant learning curve for understanding and using Ceph
  • Ceph requires a lot of resources
    • Multi AZ requires multiple instance
    • Minimum recommended storage of 100GB per node (totalling 300GB for the cluster)

For the above reasons, to fully utilize and justify deploying Rook, you should have high storage requirements and justify the cost overhead of doing so.

Use Cases

Prometheus High Availability


Without Rook, you can setup 2 prometheus instances with the same configuration for an HA setup.

If you decide to go with this solution, you can use Node Selector or affinity to use a different AZ on each instance.

Prometheus is a great candidate for Rook:

  • Prometheus scans metrics perdiocially (usually every 30 seconds)
    • having it down for two minutes is not a deal breaker.
  • Simplifies the HA setup for Prometheus
  • Removes the need to send duplicate metrics to third parties which can get expensive.


Kafka relies on block storage which means the storage will not be available during AZ downtime.

While distributed by design, this has performance implications on your cluster. Here's a quick breakdown of how Kafka manages partitions:

  • Topics are partitioned and saved to disk.
  • Partitions are replicated across brokers using a replication factor.
  • Each partition is assigned a partition leader that serves all reads and writes to the parition.

MSK relies on EBS behind the scenes, so it doesn't solve these issues.

Using distributed storage will allow you to avoid the following Kafka shortcomings:

Scenario 1 - (Likely) new parition leader is elected


Without distributed storage, you can mitigate this shortcomings this by over-provisioning to 150% (depending on your number of AZs) of your cluster usage.

  • AZ goes down
  • A new parition leader is elected
  • All requests are routed to the new leader

While this looks OK on paper, there's an underlying problem. Only 66% of you cluster available!

The new parition leaders will have a lot more work to do, stalling your cluster throughput. Depending on the parition assignments, it may lead to siginificant lag in your system.

Scenario 2 - (Unfortunate) All partitions are on the same AZ


Without distributed storage, I'm unaware of any non-manual method to verify this doesn't happen.

If all partitions are in the same AZ, the entire partition data is lost.

If you're using MSK or Strimzi, in both cases, your data will be unavailable until the AZ is available again.

This can happen when:

  • Replication factor is set to 0
  • Multiple brokers are running on the same AZ, and the paritions were assigned to them..

With distributed storage in place, in both scenarios the broker will reschedule on another AZ.

Notable Mentions

  • Redis (in non-cluster mode), can benefit from distributed storage.

Summary (TL;DR)

Overall, distributed storage can be very useful, and Rook provides an easy setup for it.

Higher costs and Ceph maintenance should be considered and weighted against other disaster scenarios to understand whether it's worth it.

The larger your cluster and storage requirements, the more distributed storage becomes cost-efficient.

For non-production environments clusters, distributed storage makes little sense.